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Violife Mozzarella style shreds

Mozzarella Style Shreds

Violife Mozzarella style shreds are the culinary secret weapon for dairy-free pizza lovers!

Get ready to elevate your homemade pizzas to a whole new level of perfection. Each sprinkle is like a pizza party in your mouth, bursting with the melty goodness of mozzarella flavour.
Sprinkle it generously over your freshly baked pizza crust, watching it melt into a sea of deliciousness. The stretchy and gooey texture will have you savoring every bite. But the magic doesn't stop at pizza! Violife's Mozzarella style shreds are also the perfect addition to pasta, baked dishes and even grilled sandwiches.
Let the pizza party begin!


Water, Coconut oil, Corn starch, Modified potato starch, Modified tapioca starch, Sea salt, Flavour, Yeast extract, Olive extract, Carotene, Cellulose.

 Nutrition Facts
 Valeur Nutritive
  Per 1/4 cup 30 g
 Pour 1/4 tasse (30 g)
 Calories 90 % Daily Value*
Valeur quotidienne*
 Fat / Lipides 7 g  9 %  
 Saturated / saturés 7 g  35 %  
 +Trans / trans 0 g  0 %  
  Carbohydrate / Glucides 6 g    
 Fibre / Fibres 0 g  0 %  
 Sugars / Sucres 0 g  0 %  
 Protein / Protéines 0 g  
 Cholesterol / Cholestérol 0 mg  
 Sodium 200 mg 9 %  
 Potassium 0 mg  0 %  
 Calcium 0 mg  0 %  
 Iron / Fer 0 mg  0 %  

*5% or less is a little, 15% or more is a lot

*5% ou moins c’est peu, 15% ou plus c’est beaucoup