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Everyday cooking

Mac and Cheeze Burger

Incredible homemade Mac and Cheeze Burger! Freshly made at home with Violife, vegan bacon, macaroni and brioche burger buns. 100% irresistible!

  • prep timeCooking time20 minutes
  • preparation timePrep time15 minutes
  • servingsServings2 portions
recipe image Mac and Cheeze Burger
  • 130 g Violife Original flavour grated
  • 130 g Violife Epic Cheddar flavour block, grated
  • 1 tbsp Violife Vioblock
  • 2 strips vegan bacon
  • 1/3 cup plant-based milk
  • 1 1/2 cup pre boiled macaroni (130gr)
  • 2 vegan burger patties
  • 3 tbsp bbq sauce
  • 3 tbsp vegan sriracha mayonnaise
  • 2 vegan brioche burger buns
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • A handful of Chives, chopped
  1. In a skillet, melt the VIOBLOCK over medium heat and fry the vegan bacon until very crispy, according to package instructions.
  2. Allow to cool and then finely chop.
  3. In another pan heat the plant-based milk and add Violife grated Original and Epic block. Season with black pepper and stir until melted and creamy. Add in the boiled macaroni and stir to combine. Set aside.
  4. Cook the vegan burger patties according to package instructions.
  5. To assemble the burgers, spread the burger bun with bbq sauce, top with the patty, spoon over the mac and cheeze and sprinkle with the crispy vegan bacon and chives.
  6. Spread the the top bun with vegan sriracha mayonnaise and close the burger.
  7. Enjoy!