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Greek Style Veggie Burger

There’s nothing better than a Greek Style Veggie Burger on the grill! Juicy and flavourful with Violife Greek White. Perfect for a vegan summer BBQ!

  • prep timeCooking time10 minutes
  • preparation timePrep time5 minutes
  • servingsServings4 portions
recipe image Greek Style Veggie Burger
  • 200 g Violife greek white crumbled
  • 4 plant based Patties
  • 4 burger buns
  • 100 g rocket leaves
  • 1 red onion sliced
  • 1 roasted red pepper pesto
  • 1 tbsp dried oregano
  • homemade sweet potato fries
  1. 1 Place the plant-based burger patties on a preheated barbecue and grill according to packet instructions.
  2. 2 Grill the burger buns until nicely toasted.
  3. 3 Add the onions on the barbecue and grill for 4-5 minutes.
  4. 4 To assemble, spread the burger bun with red pepper paste, top with the patty, grilled onion, rocket leaves and Violife Greek White crumbles. Sprinkle with some dried oregano and top with the second bun.